The Russian Government demanded Felix Glyukman’s video titled “How Did I Realize I’m Gay” be removed. YouTube complied and censored the video from search (shown below), so now it’s only available by direct link at We’re not fans of government censorship, so we’ve archived the video below.
Some of you might be wondering is a right leaning website putting up a Russian video about a man being gay, because we’re more offended by any type of government censorship than we are by someone’s sexuality. Some of you may even jump to the erroneous conclusion that we’re a covert Russian disinformation website, and it’s clear you really haven’t thought this through at all. We’ve already told you we’re not Russian, and if we were Russian why would we publish a video the Russian Government wants to censor? Feel free to draw your own conclusions…
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- censored-russian-video-how-did-i-realize-im-gay.mp4 - Download link