Below is a list of links to articles the Los Angeles Times has published about climate change between 1900-1949
"The famous glaciers of the Rhone have shrunk 3,000 feet in the last 2 years, or about 110 feet a year A number of the well known glaciers approximate this diminution, and the scfentific fact is established that these reminders of the great glacier periods are surely disappearing..."
"Most geologists think the world is growing warmer, and that It will continue to get warmer until the little three-inch trees at Spitzbergen grow as tall as the giants lying buried as coal a few feet under ground..."
"We have been living In the closing period of the last ice age some 15,000 years, and if the weather keeps on getting warmer for another 15,000 years, people will be planting corn and wheat in the white lands Byrd Is discovering..."