A list of articles the New York Times has published on Climate Change from 1960-1969. The “hippie movement” ushered in “green movement” and caring about the environment, which by themselves aren’t bad ideas. The problem is the people who saw climate change as way to usher in sweeping political and social changes, latched on to the green movement, and the two have been intertwined since that time.
New York Times Climate Change Articles 1960-1969
New York Times - Feb 20, 1969
"the Arctic pack ice is thinning and that the ocean at the North Pole may become an open sea within a decade or two..."
"A number of specialists believe that an ice-free Arctic Ocean would not freeze again If so, it has been predicted that storm paths would change and the food-producing areas of the United States and Eurasia might become deserts..."
"Whereas melting of the Antarctic ice or slippage of part of it into the seas would raise the sea levels throughout the world by many feet..."
CITATION: New York Times - Feb 20, 1969 - page 20
IMAGEHOLDER.ORG: Expert Says Arctic Ocean Will Soon Be an Open Sea Catastrophic Shifts in Climate Feared if Change Occurs - New York Times - Feb 20 1969 - Page 20
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