EDITORS NOTE: This article is one of the Seven Times The United Nations Has Incorrectly Predicted A Global Catastrophe from Climate Change. In the fall of 1990 United Nations Scientists predicted global warming could cause serious environmental damage starting in the early years of the next century, since we are now more than 20 years after the next century we can confidently say they got this wrong. Why is the United Nations funding “research” into Climate Change? The answer is, The United Nations is the group that stands to gain the most from the people accepting being governed by a large central Global Authority. Getting the citizens of the planet to willingly surrender their rights peacefully, and without bloodshed, is the quickest way to reach that goal. If The United Nations can use pseudo-science, and media propaganda to get people to believe the planet is “dying” and the only way to save humanity is to give up their rights and personal freedoms, and accept global rule, they will have achieved their goal. The United Nations came up with a plan to do this in the year 2000, the plan was called United Nations Agenda 21. When the year 2000 came and went, and they realized the plan wasn’t going to work, they went back to the drawing board and came up with a new plan United Nations Agenda 2030 also known as The Sustainable Development Agenda is detailed plan to solve some of the worlds biggest problems, especially those caused by climate change. It's real goal is to trick people into surrendering their Rights and Freedoms and accept being ruled by a tyrannical centralized global government, in this case the United Nations. Read more on our full article about United Nations Agenda 2030United Nations Agenda 2030. Agenda 2030 is a much larger and all encompassing plan, and it’s structured in such a way that it can’t be implemented piecemeal, it’s an “all-or-nothing” thing. Under Agenda 2030 people would lose most personal freedoms, nations would cease to exist, you would be forced to live where you are told, and be resettled with third world refugees. Citizens would lose the ability to own property, and freedom of movement would be severely restricted. This is why The United Nations continues to use Climate Change as tool to achieve their political goals.
United Nations: Earlier Harm Seen In Global Warming – New York Times – Oct 17, 1990 – Page A9
New York Times - Oct 17, 1990
CITATION: New York Times - Oct 17, 1990 - page A9
SOURCE: NYTIMES.COM(PAYWALL )Explain the NYTimes paywall.PROQUEST: Proquest.com (PAYWALL )Explain the proquest paywall.
ARCHIVE: Archive.org