Under Jack Dorsey’s leadership Twitter has become a weaponized tool to actively promote Progressive Liberal Agendas, by selectively enforcing it’s rules, and actively targeting and punishing Whites, Conservatives, Christians and other groups who have differing opinions. In this article we will show how Twitter’s selective rule enforcement is used advance their agendas, protect those they agree with, and harshly punish those who don’t. This article has 4 parts, and it’s most useful if it’s read in its entirety, but if you have a short attention span feel free to jump to the section that most interests you.
Twitter Danger Words
One of the most powerful ways Twitter advances the political agendas it agrees with is with Twitter Danger Words. Danger Words are words about politically sensitive topics where Twitter’s rules are strictly enforced with the goal of promoting Progressive Liberal agendas, and punishing people for "wrongthink". Anyone using the words in a negative way against Left Leaning people, will be quickly suspended or permanently banned. If you use the exact same words to attack Right Leaning people there will be no negative consequences. This can be easily demonstrated by changing one word in two identical tweets. In the image below you can see how a tweet attacking "whites" is receives no moderation, warnings or suspensions, while the exact same tweet attacking "blacks" results in the account being “Permanently Banned “. (Return to Top)
Twitter Protected Groups
A second way Twitter promotes Progressive Liberal agendas is by harshly punishes Conservatives who disagree is by creating Twitter Protected Groups
. Again Twitter strictly enforces it rules against anyone who speaks critically about these groups by suspending or “Permanently Banning ” their accounts. For example, pointing out that 100% of Illegal Immigrants are criminals, because they broke the law and committed a criminal offense entering the country illegally, will get your account suspended or permanently banned. Yes, it’s really a criminal offense, no it’s not a misdemeanor, the law in question is U.S.C. Section 1325
the highlighted fifth and sixth words in the first paragraph are clearly "criminal offences".(Return to Top)
Tweets Harassing and Attacking Whites, Christians and Conservatives
Tweets that contain racist messages directed at White People are not subject to any moderation, and will not be subjected to a suspension or permanent ban. Tweets that meet the generally accepted threshold of being hate speech, and call for violence and harassment of white people, are not considered a violation of Twitter’s rules (see examples below).
Examples of Threats of Violence and Racial Hate Speech Against Whites That Did Not Violate Twitter's Rules
News, Journalists and Media - All BluecheckMark Verified Accounts
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"but yes, kill all white men"Karen Geier - Guardian Journalist - Archive: archive.is/ZuDFs

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"Kill all the white people! Then we'll be free!!"Flavio Morgenstern - Editor - Archive: archive.is/qXIGm

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"I think I support white genocide"Alex Griswold - Daily Beacon Journalist - Archive: archive.is/oJ0gg

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"I honestly cannot empathize with Tucker Carlson's wife at all I agree that protesting at her house was tactically unwise and shouldn't be done but I am utterly unable to identify with her plight on any level."Matthew Yglesias - Vox Journalist - Archive: archive.is/UKLZC

EDITORS NOTE: Protesters showed up at Tucker Carlson' house and threatened and intimidated his wife and children
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"Straight white men are the worst, tbh"Lara Parker - Buzzfeed Journalist - Archive: archive.is/eaQGB

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"Jesus Christ. White men are the worst."Michael Cuby - Editor for Them Magazine - Archive: archive.is/xyc1N

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"Anyway Sarah is very good and you cannot be racist against white people and that is official science."Dr. Tressie McMillan Cottom - College Professor - Archive: archive.is/JxZqH

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"yeah. White people are stupid."Ben Howe - Daily Beast Journalist - Archive: archive.is/Vv0mv

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"Frankly no, I've always been too busy perpetrating racism against white people"Erin Blakemore - Washington Post Journalist - Archive: archive.is/T3TWV

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"There is no such thing as racism against white people, thank you for coming to my ted talk"Laura Bassett- Journalist - Archive: archive.is/jHemh

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"What I've learned thru all of this is that white people are horrible"Josh Innes - Talk Radio Host - Archive: archive.is/kJTmY

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"Wild that people still can't grasp how racism against white people is impossible in the same way that sexism is against men"Elmo Keep - Journalist - Archive: archive.is/ggwfQ

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"everyone should talk about how much white people suck as often as possible, thanks"Sophie Weiner - News Editor - Archive: archive.is/6KMrG

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"When I say white people are racist, I mean it. All of you are to one degree or another."Lara Witt - Journalist - Archive: archive.is/7iyW4

Politicians and Memebers of Government
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"I pray to My Almighty Allah, Give me chance to kill this @geertwilderspvv bastard."Husnain Ahmad - Muhammad - Archive: archive.is/q3qO3

Writers and Authors - All BluecheckMark Verified Accounts
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"Good, that will save the Left the trouble of putting you against the wall when we commence the plan to genocide white people."Gary Legum - Author - Archive: archive.is/L9OJm

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"Racism against white people isn't a thing go have some bread Jasper"Ira Madison - Writer - Archive: archive.is/6Sy9B

Big Tech
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"that's because white people are dumb as shit"Branden Hampton - Silicon Valley VC - Archive: archive.is/apZAz

Actors, Musicians, Performers and Entertainers - All BluecheckMark Verified Accounts
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"KILL ALL THE WHITE PEOPLE!!!! THEN WE BE FREE!!!!! TYPE O IS THE SHIT!!!!"Shinobi Ninja - Musician - Archive: archive.is/qdMJ1

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"But you gotta punch that shit off one of those bitches faces first."Michael Buchanan aka DJ House Shoes @HouseShoes - Archive: archive.is/p640I

EDITORS NOTE: Reaction to Covington Teens
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"Burn the fucking school down."Michael Buchanan aka DJ House Shoes @HouseShoes - Archive: archive.is/2mVbO

EDITORS NOTE: Reaction to Covington Teens
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"AMERICA. 2018. THROW THESE FUCKS IN THE DUMPSTER FIRE. WE DON'T NEED EM. I'M RAISING MY SON TO FUCK KIDS LIKE THIS UP."Michael Buchanan aka DJ House Shoes @HouseShoes - Archive: archive.is/fGD0H

EDITORS NOTE: Reaction to Covington Teens
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"I hate white people. Your white faces... freckles like satanic glitter on a pale glow in the dark demon... You can see the blue blood ew."Ouija Macc - Muician - Archive: archive.is/TTEGc

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"Like many millions of other Americans I will work to destroy your political career. You're functionally a misogynist despite anything you might say and the message you send to Americans young and old is disgusting. Shame till you die, and beyond."Rob Delaney Comedian - Archive: archive.is/glAkN

EDITORS NOTE: This was a reaction to the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh
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"To be fair, I thought there was a show called "White People" and it sucked. #CancelWhitePeople"Simon King - Entertainer - Archive: archive.is/HfeKf

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"White people, you gotta stop calling the police because you'e racist. Have you not noticed, we will ruin your life?"Ferrari Sheppard - Muician and Artist - Archive: archive.is/qZRq8

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"My wife's basic cable viewing interests just reminded me about the fact that I hate white people so, so much."Kelly Dwyer - Entertainer - Archive: archive.is/oKh81

Political Activists - All BluecheckMark Verified Accounts
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"Happy Thursday there is no such thing as being racist against white people, bye"Andrea Grimes - Progressive Activist - Archive: archive.is/rFlqZ

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"It's Friday! And I'm still not dating Elon Musk and also white people still cannot be on the receiving end of racism"Andrea Grimes - Progressive Activist - Archive: archive.is/3rQ3a

Companies, Organizations and Businesses - All BluecheckMark Verified Accounts
Archived Tweet
"Tell me again why we shouldn't confront Republicans where they eat, where they sleep, and where they work until they stop being complicit in the destruction of our democracy."Ian Millhiser - Fellow at ThinkTank - Archive: archive.is/FVEqt

Noteworthy Minor Celebrities and Influencers - All BluecheckMark Verified Accounts
Archived Tweet
"I just want to make this crystal clear to everyone who follows or is considering following me: The difference between pedophilia jokes and attacking white people is that pedophilia jokes are bad, while attacking white people is good"Arthur Chu: - Author and Jeopardy Champion - Archive: archive.is/hHK8M

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"STUPID ASS WHITE PIECE OF SHIT"Damon B - X-Games Gold Medalist - Archive: archive.is/Fiowu

We've collected a list of over 200 tweets from Verified BlueCheckMark accounts making threatening or racist statements against White People.
I’ve been Permanently Banned from Twitter 17 and can tell you from first hand experience the rules are applied selectively. Additionally there are Twitter Paid Attack Shills who will intentionally start an argument with a Right Wing person, try and get them to get angry, and make a tweet they will then report to the moderators. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or clueless, because it absolutely does happen.