In September of 2021 as part of their 75th Anniversary, The United Nations Secretary General published a report
about how humanity needs to set aside their differences and work together to fight our problems. Reports like this are overflowing with overflowing well-intentioned ideas padded with bureaucratic language to make them sound like they will benefit all of society, but when you read between the lines you can see they are a plan to trick people into willingly surrendering their Rights and Personal Freedoms and accepting being ruled by a tyrannical central government.
Our Common Agenda - PDF
On Page 5 the report says the following:
This sections has two goals, make people feel that the problems of citizens of other nations are something they should feel responsible for solving. Secondly that these problems are so big that the only way they can be solved is for people put aside their differences and come together to solve them. Tyrants around the world saw how the fear mongering of Covid-19 was used to get people to willing give up their rights and freedoms for the illusion of safety. Organizations like the United Nations, European Union and World Economic Forum will try to leverage these tactics to advance their desire to consolidate power in a Large international groups like The United Nations and the European Union are attempts at forming and implementing Centralized Global Governments. Think Tanks and advocacy groups like the World Economic Forum are strong supporters of creating Centralized Global Government. For a Global Government to work nations and their citizens are going to have to surrender their sovereignty to a central authority. All of the plans for a Global Government include major changes in economics, social issues, personal freedoms, freedom of speech, property ownership, and housing. These changes usually require citizens of first world countries giving up or losing their rights and accepting forced resettlement of people from third world countries.
SEE MORE ABOUT: Centralized Global Government Centralized Global Government.
On Page 6 it states the following:
While things like Universal Healthcare and housing sound like good ideas, they really are a hidden way to control a population, and punish bad behavior. For example, in England a patient was banned for wanting to see a doctor the same race as theirs
. When you stop paying for your healthcare you lose the ability to choose your own doctor, you get to see the doctor the government says you get to see, and if you complain you lose your healthcare completely. If the government is providing you with universal housing you will lose your ability to own property, and you have to live where the government tells you you have to live. If you provide your own housing, you lose the ability move to a nicer neighborhood, that’s cleaner, safer, has less crime and has better schools. Because the government controls your universal housing they can limit your job prospects, they can limit the income you can earn, and they can limit your ability to improve your life. Once you accept universal housing you have given the government complete control over your future.
Further down on Page 6 it says:
This is a direct assault on your Right to The Freedom Of Speech. The United Nations wants the ability to deplatform you and strip everyone of their ability to criticize them, and to stop people from highlighting and exposing their lies to others. What they consider ‘misinformation’ is anyone who disagrees with the established narrative. The ironic thing is REAL SCIENCE is not decided by consensus, something either is true or it isn’t, it doesn’t become true because a majority of the people say it is. Real Science should hold up under the scrutiny of any and all questions. People who say ‘follow the science’ want you to unquestioningly believe what they tell you is fact. Believing in something without questioning it is much closer to religious faith than science.
On Page 17 the report states the following:
They are saying two things, big problems can only be solved by big organizations and the United Nations is the best choice for that big organization. The second is in the statement Its fundamental values are not the preserve of any region. They are pushing the concept that nations states have to surrender their sovereignty to an international organization to solve these big problems.
On page 17 the report sates:
We have an entire page dedicated to highlighting the problems with United Nations Agenda 2030 also known as The Sustainable Development Agenda is detailed plan to solve some of the worlds biggest problems, especially those caused by climate change. It's real goal is to trick people into surrendering their Rights and Freedoms and accept being ruled by a tyrannical centralized global government, in this case the United Nations. Read more on our full article about United Nations Agenda 2030United Nations Agenda 2030.
On Page 24 the report states:
This is some top-tier information control they state that a normal person is incapable of doing their own research and discovering the truth or real answer. The United Nations Should Manage the Media and completely control what is deemed true and prevent people from accessing anything that isn’t approved. They want the ability to compel technology companies to remove anything they deem as ‘misinformation’, completely deplatforming people and prevent others from learning the truth.
On Page 26 it states:
If a central government were ever implemented, one of the big problems in integrating multiple together would wealth inequality. The solution most commonly preposed would be income re-distribution, and in this case The United Nations is suggesting using taxation to achieve those goals. Under aa centralized government, citizens of First world Nations like the United States would face Draconian Tax Policies as the government tries to redistribute the wealth to the poorer citizens.
On Page 30 the report states:
Proving legal identity means being forced to carry a Digital ID or even worse being forced to get an ultraviolet tattoo
. It then goes on to say mass migration will happen as third world people are resettled into first world countries. When a Centralized Global Government enacts it’s plan of forced resettlement of third world immigrants they will instantly turn clean, safe, low crime communities into dangerous crime ridden third world hellholes, reducing the quality of life for it’s existing inhabitants. A Global Government goal is to “even out” the living conditions, people from third-world countries would experience a huge increase in the quality of life, whereas people from first world countries would experience a huge drop in their standard of living. If people are forced to relinquish property rights under a Universal Housing Plan it would be impossible to relocate, and get away from third-world immigrants and the problems they bring with them.
On Page 57 the report states
This is another direct assault on your Right to Freedom Of Speech. The United Nations wants to be the arbiter of what’s the ‘truth’ and what’s ‘misinformation’. They want the ability to censor, deplatform, and even punish people or organizations for publishing information that is deemed untrustworthy or guilty of discrimination. One of the uncomfortable truths of a multi-racial world, is that different races of people commit crimes as vastly different rates from one another. Decades of FBI Crime Statistics show that Decades of FBI Crime statistics show that African Americans commit crime at rates disproportionately higher than their population percentage. For example African Americans make up only 13% of the population but commit over 50% of the murders. African Americans also comimit 37% of all the violent crimes, which is three times higher than their population percentage. Read more at FBI Racial Crime Statistics
African Americans make up 13% of the Population, but commit 50% of the murders
. Under a Global Government that tramples on your Right to Free Speech to prevent discrimination, you would be prohibited or punished for sharing information like that.
On Page 66 the Report States:
Under a new Global Government, once people realize they have to accept forced resettlement of immigrants and refugees, are forced into universal housing, and lose the ability to choose their own doctor, they will get angry, and share stories of how their lives have gotten worse under the new regime. That’s why the United Nations wants to establish itself as the only reliable source for data and evidence. If they can use their propaganda to deem this criticisms as ‘misinformation’ and ‘conspiracy theories’ they can discredit the information and quell any protests or rebellion. In the real world, facts, science and the truth will hold up under questioning and scrutiny. When you’re not allowed to question them, it’s usually because they aren’t true or that someone is hiding something. even more frightening is the United Nations wants to control the production and dissemination of knowledge across the system. Anyone who’s read A fictional book by George Orwell about a future dystopian society, where the citizens lives are controlled by a tyrannical totalitarian government. Read more about George Orwell's 1984
, knows that sounds a lot like ‘The Ministry of Truth ’.